Is Your Period to Blame for Thinning Hair?

Is Your Period to Blame for Thinning Hair?

Hair growth may have more to do with your monthly cycle than you think. So, if your body is dropping these hints, you may want to pay close attention.

"How regular is your cycle?" I'm sure your doctor has asked you this question. If you answered "all over the place," then there's a high chance the option of birth control was presented, which we'll get into later. Likely, the root cause of your irregular cycle was overlooked because it's "common," although that does not make it normal. A difficult or irregular period and thinning hair are red flags that something is off. Don't ignore the signs! According the Dr. Lara Briden period health is a top sign of overall health.


Irregular Cycles

Missing cycles may be caused by many things, like high stress, skimpy nutrition, or high androgen levels. Androgens are male-characteristic hormones like testosterone, which is essential for both males and females. However, high androgen levels in women can lead to hair loss, irregular periods, hirsutism, acne, mood disorders, brain fog, and fatigue.
If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, you are not alone. Also, you deserve to have luscious hair and feel great! But first, what's going on with these hormones?


What causes high androgens?

The endocrine system is a divinely orchestrated cascade of signals that directs all systems in the body. So, when high androgens are present, it could mean a part of the orchestra is out of tune, and a likely culprit is high blood glucose. Aka, too much sugar! This is also called insulin resistance. When blood glucose (from sugar) rises too high, androgens jump, the hormones needed for ovulation (FSH and LH) get fumbled, and there's a big traffic jam. This causes the shining star of your monthly cycle, ovulation (not the bleed), to skip, which is a massive loss for the whole body and your hair. Here's why...


Ovulation = healthy hair
Your best friend is progesterone when it comes to beauty and hair. It's the fountain of youth hormone! Progesterone is made from a "pop-up shop" organ called the corpus luteum, which forms only during ovulation.
No ovulation = no progesterone.
But what if you bleed regularly? Bleeding does not automatically mean you've ovulated. Many things can cause breakthrough bleeding or spotting, like the birth control pill, high estrogen, endometriosis, or pregnancy, for example. For healthy hair, you'll want to ovulate regularly. To determine if you are ovulating, you can track your cycle with period-tracking apps like Natural Cycles, temperature measurement, and test strips.
What prevents ovulation?
They say inflammation is the root cause of disease, and when it comes to your cycle and hair health, it's a good place to start. Look to your food, micronutrients, and lifestyle! Inflammatory foods like sugar, alcohol, cow dairy, and gluten are common antagonists. Is your thinking more clear without sugar? Maybe gluten is why you need a mid-day nap? Listen to your body. These short-term symptoms are clues! If changed, the long-term symptoms will probably shift, too, like having a regular period and growing fuller hair! Because hair and period health are part of overall health.

To learn more about your cycle and strengthen your hormonal health, we recommend the book Period Repair Manual by Dr. Lara Briden, which was a source of reference for this blog post.

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